
Welcome fellow humans to the writing is on the wall. Radio broadcast come to you from WHKW 1220 a Salem radio station. Please address me as TA I am. The teacher’s assistant. This program is a non-religious non-spiritual investigation of everything we can discern that was created, recorded and modeled for us in the Bible period. Well, over the past several weeks, I have been trying to get people to understand how important it is to follow the instructions and directions in the Bible. and God in gave us not only examples, but also models to follow. Now, most people read this and just say, oh yeah, sure. And don’t really dig into it and figure out why we’ve also discussed in the past few weeks that in John, John 15, 15, Jesus tells those left in the upper room. After Judas has left, that they are not just servants, that they are friends.

And that, that difference is that friends don’t just obey. They try to figure out why they need to understand, and they need to follow not just the instructions and the directions, but the spirit of the law, the mosaic law, but God’s law. And this isn’t very important, but it’s also hard because it’s not written out in a way that you can understand it. We’ve been studying Ephesians the last few weeks and we will study Ephesians yet again this evening of Ephesians five. And this is where it seems to me that Paul, although he had the miracle of recertification happened to him, he was taken from one path repented and went the other way. Not of his own volition, at least not to start things off, but he didn’t really understand. He understand what Jesus said and to follow that, but he didn’t take it all the way through to why. Now he may not have been capable of doing that because he was not chosen by Jesus, but he was chosen by God. So there’s a necessary understanding here that even Paul, as much as he wrote and as much as he wanted for us did not understand why.

And that’s important because it’s up to us to work, to understand why not to failure, not to accept. Oh, well, if Paul couldn’t figure it out, then why should I bother? No, that is not happening. So I wanna try and give you different perspectives and examples, and I’m gonna do that this evening. But first I wanna get you thinking about why God does what he does in Ephesians five. You’ll see, it starts off with the terms, imitate God for you are his children now religious people don’t tell you to imitate God. They say you cannot don’t bother, just worship him. And they, their idea of worship is Obba. So they’re going exactly the opposite way of what Jesus told his disciples. And so I wanna go into the, some of the basics and is we’ll start with, why did God create the Jews?

So he had a purpose and he told them that he was creating them to be a people. He did it from all the assembled guest workers in Egypt, not just the ones were started off being sons of Joseph or their tribes. They were included and they became the leadership group, but they were not the only ones practically everybody from that part of the world was a guess worker. Certainly if you wanted to eat in Egypt, because Egypt had Nile and Egypt had Joseph to tell them seven years of feast and then seven years of famine. So gathered while you can. And they did, they listened to Joseph, but instead of using it as a bludgeon, because they knew it would last seven years because of Joseph, they used it to create a what, a place of refuge.

And that lasted for quite a while until basically a new Pharaoh said, we got too many of these people, they don’t worship our gods. We need to make sure that they can’t overturn us. There’s more of them than there are of us. And that’s when they started to become slaves and cried out to God. And because of the connection through a Abraham, God listened, God responded. And he responded by creating the Jews. Now, why did God create the Jews? He created them because he needed a people to live on a society, a community, to live and grow and succeed in life and go on into the future where as he told them, when he certified them, you will be an example for good, or for ill. The choice is yours, but you will be an example before all men, that was their job. And whenever evil tries to wipe them out so that we don’t have that example before us, then you know that whoever wants to get rid of the Jews is evil. They’re not doing anybody, any our ’em, but themselves. And they continue to exist and they continue to be an example for us chosen, set up certified by God.

He didn’t just put ’em together. He took ’em through for 70 years now why? Yeah, it’d been disobedient. But then again, that didn’t change did it. So why did he do that? Could it be so that other people, the hangers on who weren’t real didn’t really feel a part of the community would take the hint and get the heck outta Dodge. Yep. That was it. They dwindled. And they didn’t dwindle because they died off. They dwindled because they picked up their tents and went elsewhere and joined other groups wherever, or they could. But those that were left the hardcore community, that was what God wanted. That’s what God got. And it was that group that he gave the promised land to.

Now I have to think that God knew that that those community, that remaining community would disobey him and harden into a religious sat. It’s like civilization, not quite a leadership group with a thumb on the people that it oversees that would attempt to extinguish the truth by killing Jesus. Now, some scholars will tell you, he knew this in advance was a certainty and others that he knew it was a possibility hoping they would overcome it. But the fact of the matter is that is early as Isaiah, which was about 700 years before Jesus was born. I’ll have to check on that somewhere between 400 and 700 years, they knew, he knew that Jesus was going to come and he gave his prophets the information to share that Jesus would come, but they expecting a political deliverer.

So that’s what they were looking for. They were looking a power that would give them what they wanted instead of what all of humanity needed. Now, why would they be so self center, so focused. And that’s, that’s the point we need to consider because that’s also in Ephesians five, they know no other way. Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do. Jesus was sent. And he said multiple times with the job of figuring out what was human’s problem, basically at their root. And what would it take to switch them onto another root, a successful one? Cuz you remember, well, hopefully you’ll remember in Genesis two where the snake is speaking with or is that three, I guess it’s Genesis three where the snake is speaking with Eve. And he said, surely God didn’t tell you that you would eventually and surely die. If you ate of the tree, the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good evil.

And she went a little over, oh yeah. You know, she went a little overboard in saying things that God had not said to Adam, but Adam May have said to her, in order to impress upon her how important it was not to do that, we really don’t know. But we do know that she was adamant that this was the worst thing in the world that you could do. And she did it anyway. She allowed herself to be seduced. Then in turn, she went and seduced Adam, well, something, most people do not know about unless you read the Bible for content and most people don’t.

And that is that things changed in the 2,500 years between our start here on earth and the time where Moses is certifying the contract with the people who become the Jews, the Hebrews, and he’s doing it on the plane in front of Mount hob, before they enter the promised land, Deuteronomy 30 gives us an extension that Genesis didn’t Genesis said, you will surely die. Deuteronomy 30 by now, 2,500 years have gone by. And Moses tells the that certain things will happen before our time is up what the old time’s call judgment day. And that is that the Jews will come back to God.

We’ve got time. They’re not showing any of that now, but we don’t know how much time we have. It’s like our individual human lives. No man knows the number of his days. We do not know that number either, but we need to work for the night is coming. So the part that Jesus told them about, and I’ve already mentioned to you on many, many occasions. And I use my terms because they’re modern terms. And the reason I use modern terms is to help give you a new perspective based on the reality that is written into the Bible. Because as Solomon said, God does everything in his own time. Jesus said the same thing when he spoke to his followers and they said, come on out, come out and, and be the Messiah. He, he said, my time is not yet. Right now. That’s very important to understand that God has things set of up for us so that we are not responsible. We are children not responsible for our actions until we realize and understand what our actions will do to us and to our brothers and sisters.

We are just now getting to that point. I figured it out and I’m passing on the information so that you can figure it out and we can get this conversation going so that we can actually do something about it. Once we’ve got enough of people understanding what it is that God wanted from us. And now we have to go into another portion. And that is why did God inspire the various books to be written by the various authors strung out over 1500 or years? That’s a question you should write down and ask yourself and read the Bible about don’t necessarily read other human guesses that is very popular. It means that you have to do less work. Unfortunately it means that you get their answer, not your answer, not an answer that God can lead you to, but what they got led to by whomever or whatever, it’s very important that you do your own work because you won’t really understand unless you do your own work.

The way we humans organize things is somebody says something. Someone else says, Hey, that sounds good. And picks it up and starts telling people that as though it were a fact and it spreads. And as long as nobody is able to ref dad fact it exists. Now I’ve given you the example in the past where the entire settled world felt, just sure that the earth was flat and it had edges. And that monsters were waiting near the edges to who pluck people out of ships or whatever else they tried to get to the edge with and gobble ’em up. And if you avoided the monsters, you just fell off the end of the world. Now we know now that that was all blown, but all them maps you see from that time period, except for the period rice map, all the maps that you see will have monsters in them. And they’ll have be unknown past the coast of what was Europe and Africa. And even Asia

Is. So how did we overcome that, that societal ridiculousness, that it wasn’t thought to be ridiculous at the time? It was common sense. Well, the way we overcame that is with science reality, we pushed until he understood until we got enough checks and balances to where we could say, you know what? I think, I think the world’s around. I don’t know how the water stays on it, but I think it’s around. And when you get over to the other place, you’re still standing upright. Couldn’t figure out how that happened. But eventually, eventually we got to looking at other bodies, including those close to us, and they were round and stuff, settled on their surfaces didn’t fall off and we began to figure out, Hmm, maybe that’s what’s happening with us. Of course it was all over. By the time we got satellites up and before we shot men into space to look back and say, oh yeah, guess what? It’s round. We were already pretty sure of that, but not 500, 600, 700, 1800 years ago, which is when the Bible, the new Testament was accepted and added to the old Testament and became the Bible 3 25 ad. The viewpoint that those people had 1800 years ago is the viewpoint that we have now because we have not looked at the Bible for the information holding fact book that it is.

And that’s the problem, the problem that we have not done our job, given God, our first fruits of our intelligence, not follow Jesus direction, to try to understand why so that we can be God’s children by choice rather than servants. So these are all the things that we’ve been instructed to do. And we’ve been given a model and we’ve been given an example. So in the next half, which we’re coming up on in just a few minutes, we’re going to go into that. But I want you to understand not only does do nothing for a pur without a purpose. Everything on this earth is for us. This is a giant logic puzzle on top of a logic puzzle Sudoku. It’s just that we are host to figure out who we are, what we are and why we are here on earth. These were the three important questions that Moses asked and certified as part of our job, as we go through our days, trying to figure out what it is that God wants of us.

Well, it turns out that God wants us to grow up. And in order to do that, we have to read the Bible for content and try and figure out who we are, what we are and why we are here on earth. We don’t know the eventual reason that God gave us this opportunity. And it is an opportunity, an opportunity to seek to succeed. We don’t know why other than he loves us, but yes, he wants us to grow up. He wants us adult members, not small children of God, but adults who love God and who want to be a part of the solution. As much as we are already a part of the problem. And that’s why he gave us free will. Why he gave the Jews free will. It was their choice to be disobedient. And it will their choice. If they ever become obedient and seek God’s face again. He told them that whenever anyone looked for him wholeheartedly without reservation, he would let them find him.


So that’s what we’re going to study. And I’m going to give you a new perspective instead of the ownership perspective you have of God, I’m going to give you the CEO perspective of God. And we’re I, not the only one, but it’s the one I want to consider. It’s more close to the ones we need to help figure things out. I’ll talk to you on the other side of the break. Thank you.

Welcome fellow humans to the writings on the wall. Radio broadcast coming to you from w HK 1220 a Salem radio station. All right, we are gonna get into the second half of the program on perspective. This is being broadcast on a no November. The second 2021. We may have to rebroadcast this next week. I’m outta town let’s so I can get time in the studio between now and then. And we’ve already discussed. Why did God create the Jews? You know, what was his purpose? He didn’t create ’em just so they would kill Jesus, but he did give them the opportunity to be an example before all men for good or for ill. And they chose to disobey, which he kind of knew was gonna happen, but he needed to give him the opportunity to do it, suffer for it. And then to grow out of it.

Now, John tells us John, one 12, that we are God’s children by choice. Those of us who follow Christ, if you are just a religious Christian, you still get in on the, the insurance , but Jesus doesn’t want you just to hang around to be protected. He wants you to dig at it and to understand why. So we’re gonna go into that, but I promise that I would give you another perspective on God. And that is the CEO per if you think of God as a CEO, rather than a king or a ruler or an owner, I think things will be easier for you to understand in the Bible, why God has gone to the lengths. He has to give us these opportunities.

So as a CEO, he has many departments reporting to him. Him. Now, currently our religious folks only recognize Jesus and the holy spirit. Jesus seemed to feel that the spirit of truth was an additional separate function, whether it was a function of the office, of the holy spirit or someone else we don’t know. But the fact is that the holy spirit was present in the world. Long before Jesus said that he would ask God, descend the spirit of truth. So you want to think of the spirits, all in that particular section, the outreach section, if you will, I don’t have a problem with that. That will give you an opportunity to think of things in a nontraditional manner. Something a lot newer than 3 25 ad, because they did not have this idea in 3 25 ad. And yet you should understand that God has all the bases covered.

Anyway, he instructed Jesus. It was someone he instructed someone to send Jesus. He had Jesus sent okay, as the CEO, but would he say, go and do this? No, he would’ve sent Jesus as a fully capable adult. If he only had one thing to do what he did was to send Jesus or to have Jesus sent whichever you prefer to be born into the world and to go through the entire process that every a human being goes through in order to mature, physically and emotionally here on earth as a human. Now, why would he do this?

Cuz God never went through this process. So why would he want Jesus to go through this process? And the answer I think is pretty obvious. Certainly it’s one that Jesus certified is true. And whenever Jesus says, I say this to you, let me see. I’ll have to look that up. Oh, I can guarantee you this truth. When you see those words, the, or two that follows that be, I mean, that is that’s red letter. That is, that’s the good information there. You may not understand all of it and it’s outreach and everything, but drill down on that because that is Jesus being real with you 2000 years after his physical death, that is for you.

So what was I? Jesus was sent to grow up as a human. Now I’ve given it modern terms. Paul did not. Mm Hmm. How can I say this? Jesus realized that there was a difference between the way that he grew up and the person that he became when he came back from the, the desert, whether he worked it out there or not, whatever, just that he knew. And I kind of think he’s doing what I’m he did, what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to figure out how to access your ability to speculate in a fashion that will get you an answer that you can depend upon.

So Jesus, for the next three years after he came out of the desert, tried to find the hot buttons that humans held that would respond to God’s opportunities. God’s offering of grace and he found a couple, but it didn’t go deep enough because we didn’t automatically go, oh, I get it. And that’s completely understandable because, and even when he wanted to stick around, when he went to the garden and asked for more than one occasion, Hey, let me stick around. I’m sure I can do good. These guys need me and kept to the timetable because everything was coming to a head at a particular time and Jesus needed to be certified at that time.

And he was, but the thing that most people don’t get is that it took Jesus being born as a baby and growing up as a baby and a person in a human household to understand what it was to be human. He asked his disciples to understand why he does the things he does and why he tells them the things he tells them and why he wants them to follow him. They need to understand because they are not just servants. They are friends. Now, how could he ask that? If he, he did not understand. So he gets to his adulthood and he understands how he grew up. He understands the people around him. He understands their motivations, which he tells them I’m here so that you don’t make decisions based on our appearances, but that you judge correctly. That why that’s why he was sent that’s John 7 24, and people didn’t understand it. Then they still don’t today.

But that is why Jesus was sent. And he had to know both sides of the coin. The coin we are all stuck on until we keep asking ourselves, why did Jesus do this? Why did Jesus say that? Why did he want us to do this? What will come about if we do this? And then finally in John three, he described that it was like being born again. When you made the switch. Now, like I said before, I’ve coined the terms or at least I chose them. They already existed between subjective and objective being the two ways that, well, really the only way that any human ever born judges, everything subjectively.

And even though I hate to go to it it’s time. And that is Ephesians five, where Paul tells people imitate God, this is five one. Since you are the children he loves live and love is Christ also loved us. Now he goes through, he all the don’t, you know, don’t let sexual sin perversion of any kind or agreed to ever even be mentioned among you. This is not appropriate behavior. So he’s talking about behavior. Don’t let anyone deceive you with mean English words. Wow. Only most of our brothers and sisters here in the United States had gotten that message, right? It is because of sins like these, that God’s anger comes to those who refuse to obey him.

Don’t be partners with them. Verse seven, once you lived in the dark. But now the Lord has filled you with light live as children who have light, light produces everything that is good, that has God’s approval. And that is true. Ephesians fine, verse nine. And it, this is the point that you need to look over this, that Paul, his writing to the church, the people of the the, his followers in EUS light exposes the true character of everything because light makes everything easy to see. All right? So the problem is if you see it through the same eyes that you grew into, there’s no real change in you.

Now, religious people will tell you, well, once you become Christian, you’re automatically changed. No you your perspective, maybe somewhat, but you are. Or you can think that you are as far as your desires go, but that your perspective is not. So that is another threshold that you need to look at. The thing that’s important is, well, the thing that I think is important is that if you understand why Jesus wanted you to see the difference between the way you grew up and what you can be when you make the switch, then you’re going to want to make this switch.

Now, Paul, still telling you to emulate Jesus do as he do do, as he did. And, and that’s great. That is a plank on the on the way to figuring out. But when he says to his followers, that he feels bad for the, and this is in Romans, he feels bad for the feelings that he still has. This is Roman seven, the very end of the chapter, because he still wants to be the human that he grew up being. But he realizes that that is not correct, but he still hasn’t figured out what it was that Jesus was trying to old Nicodemus in John three and all he could get across. And the only thing that was recorded is that Nicodemus didn’t understand how you could change from being one person to being another. And Jesus tried to tell him it was perspective.

You were this, you grew up with being this and you consciously changed to make decisions based, not on what you want and not on what you thought was important, but on what was best for everyone. This is so important that it bears repeating over and over. You need to work on it. You need to understand this was the transformation that Jesus wanted. Those who followed him do, as he did to understand, to do this is what will usher in humanities success. And Jesus discovered it. It, Jesus solved the problem of humanities problems. Why we weren’t able to get off the Schneider and said, this is what needs to happen. You don’t just live in a community. You live for the community. And the reason that you do this is because your success is tied into the communities success. Now we humans still use our own desires to choose the communities we wanna be a part of.

And we choose to make, do our best to make those communities successful. But that choice leaves out an awful lot of other communities. And that’s the problem once you learn. And I know I say that way too much because we have many problems, but our main problem is that we don’t understand why it is that Jesus wanted us to switch from subjective, where everything is decided, because it’s feels good to you. You think it’s the right thing to do. Your buddies all think it’s the right thing to do. It’s something that you can defend in front of others. All these things are subjective decisions made for your benefit. And he says, no, you need to make that sh in decision making to objective do it not because it’s defensible by you, but because it’s a better for everyone involved you too. And that is the, what the philosophers called enlightened self-interest today’s Bible study. We spoke of that. And the problems that that being left out of the modern conversation has created. It turns out that those were in their fifties, had not heard of that term. Well, who in their seventies had very well heard of that term. And so that’s the dividing line about 51 or two years ago. It began to drop out of the conversation.

Moses warned us back in Deuteronomy to tell your children everything of importance, less you forget, and they not follow. And that’s the problems we’re having. Now. We did not tell our children everything. We did not structure it for ’em because we did know the reason we didn’t know. We were happy with the way things were. Even when things got bad, like during the depression, people went for the religious vision of God and prayed to him rather than trying to understand what it was that Jesus was trying to say. And the reason for the at is because it was not yet hard time.

And you need to understand that God has things arranged so that we will become aware of what it is we need to do. As we get holder. Now , there will be people like me who will figure it out. And we it’s our responsibility to push the conversation. Anybody who does, will tell you and who understands what Jesus was trying to say will not want you to believe what they say. They’ll want you to consider. It they’ll want you to work on it, pray about it, read in the Bible about it and come to your own conclusion.

And that’s the difference between God and Jesus and mankind. mankind wants you to believe they want the authority that they wield of having your belief while Jesus wants you to understand. And God sent Jesus to figure out what our sticking point was and to help us to get over the hump. Well, it’s now 2021. And we are at that point where we can understand what it is that Jesus was trying to tell us. I got it. I got it for reading the Bible and following instructions and directions, and also looking at the models and examples that God provided for me in the Bible. And he did provide them for me, the various authors from the various time periods, writing in the languages that they did were to give us a perspective, a times stamped perspective of where we were emotionally, socially understanding wise.

And the words that came out were the concepts that they understood to say, they didn’t understand why they said them, but this was what basically God passed on to them. And they had to pass on to other people. So they said these things later on after basically the Christian religion was created and people and processes got to the point where wealthy people could own their own Bibles. Then translators began to work on translations. And these translators were paid by religious people to come up with religious translations because that’s what they thought was right. but God was not religious. And he did not exhort us to be religious. In fact, he said he didn’t care for it, but he didn’t counterman it because he knew that that would help carry the Jew through to the ma and they needed to be that example. And they needed to survive in order to be that example. So we’re coming to the end of our time for this week.

And I need you to understand that God loves you. He wants you to succeed. He wants you to read the Bible for content. He wants you to make your own decisions, and he wants you to follow the path that Christ laid down, not just to follow it, obediently like a servant, but to understand why Jesus is did and said what he did to help you to understand what he wanted of us so that we will begin to make decisions not based on what appearances there are, but we will judge correctly. So read the Bible, read Matthew. Oh, there’s so much in Matthew. Read John read Ephesians. My favorite of course. And I’m gonna close out the, our evening with this and that’s first that’s IANS five. And he said it was not God’s and tension that we experience is anger, but that we obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. That’s five, nine. And then because starting with verse 16, always be joyful. Never stop praying, whatever happens. He, if thanks, because it is God will in Christ Jesus, that you do this. Don’t despise what God has revealed. Instead, test everything. Hold on to what is good. And that’s it for this week. See you next week. Bye.

Teacher's Assistant

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